About us

Yes, we are actually a real estate company. Actually. Since we were able to cancel all our projects due to corona (lockdowns, no face-to-face meetings, wearing masks, keeping our distance, limiting contacts), we were forced to look for alternatives to keep our company going.

Our managing director had contacts. And they were gold traders, gold suppliers and gold buyers. So during the coronavirus period, when the banks here in Switzerland were closed for almost six months at a time due to the lockdown and all personal business contacts were lost, we built up a respectable position in the gold business through international foreign business partners.

In Switzerland, no license is required for brokering gold transactions, as is the case in Germany, for example. We are not a bank or a pure gold trading company - no, thanks to the contacts of our managing director, we act as intermediaries between gold sellers and gold buyers and receive a commission for this. This has enabled us to maintain our business operations during the corona period and, of course, we will continue to maintain our contacts and business relationships even after corona (until April 30, 2023). However, we have now returned to our core business, the real estate business, because brokering was only a means to an end, a transition.

So, as we have mentioned so often, we will start with the upgrading and renovating of properties in order to then resell them - equipped with natural building materials.

  • For the floors, instead of the usual concrete screed, a clay floor will be poured, which will then be sealed with carnauba wax and good-smelling natural lemon or orange oils. Depending on the heating system installed, underfloor heating is installed in the clay floor.
  • The walls are treated in different ways: They are either insulated with new wool or hemp fibers or straw and then sealed with a clay plaster. The clay plaster can be fine, rough or completely glossy. Clay plaster is also available in all imaginable colors and is not always just ochre yellow or muddy brown, as many people think.
  • Wall insulation can also be used to install wall heating, similar to underfloor heating. Whether wall heating is installed depends on the building's overall concept, which usually already has a heating system. It is therefore necessary to consider whether and how the old heating system should either be renewed or replaced by another heating system, i.e. wall and/or underfloor heating.
  • Only in very few cases is the ceiling also finished with a fine clay plaster. As a rule, the ceiling is decorated with stucco, which not only looks very good and gives the whole room a three-dimensional depth, but the stucco also has practical reasons: It absorbs moisture from the air so that mold does not form in the room with a stucco ceiling.
    Depending on how good or bad the current condition of the attic or the timber construction is, new wooden beams are laid or perhaps only a few wooden studs are replaced.
  • Non-load-bearing walls may be demolished and the layout of the building completely changed or modernized. Nowadays, for example, the bathroom is integrated into the master bedroom and is no longer located somewhere in the hallway. New non-load-bearing walls are then raised as clay rammed walls or built with so-called green bricks (clay bricks).
  • The exterior facade will also be embellished - with exterior stucco. The facade will not be insulated because it makes no sense. It only makes sense to insulate the roof. And this will of course be insulated with natural building materials (straw, hemp, sheep's wool, etc.) and not with glass wool or the usual insulating wool.

The entire property will undergo a general refurbishment so that it is comfortable, practical, mold-free, well insulated, well ventilated and cozy, so that the new owner will not want to give up his new home with this great feel-good atmosphere again and it will become a house for several generations. The residents will appreciate the natural materials and will never again have problems with mold or bad air. No dust will form on clay floors and no insects will settle on clay plaster. The whole house can breathe, cools in summer thanks to the clay plaster and warms in winter thanks to the clay plaster. The residents save on heating costs in winter and on electricity costs for air conditioning in summer - in other words, they don't need air conditioning. The clay absorbs unpleasant odors, stores any humidity from the kitchen or bathroom, for example, but also releases it again if it is too dry overall, so that the house always has a relative humidity of between 50-60%. No more dry heating air, no more scratchy throats, no more catching cold quickly in winter due to the harsh difference between outside and inside. We - Vaga AG - will be the first real estate company in Switzerland to offer all-encompassing natural refurbishment - with natural building materials such as clay, straw, hemp, sheep's wool and wood. This will catch on and become the standard.